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Benn Francis

Benn is a West Australian artist who grew up in Geraldton with a deep connection to the Australian Land and the spirit and energy that reside there. He is a great believer in tuning in to that energy which brings great revelation, healing and connectedness to the human soul.

Benn became a soldier in the army at the age of seventeen and now feels it was more about being with the land than anything else, however it taught him one thing, attention to detail which he  hopes comes through in his work. His last career was an electronic Engineer which is reflected in the technical aspects of his artwork, it has also created a sense of discovery into how different techniques and products can work together.

Benn always knew deep down that being creative was in his blood, in essence it is part of who he is. He  was creating model scenery for his son, making trees and buildings. That led to a period of using wire as a medium experimenting with flattening it out into two dimensions. Using paper and other materials happened accidentally. His partner had a lot of unused scrapbook paper in the spare room, and he saw this as an opportunity for exploration. He started using these materials in unconventional ways. Through months of trial and error, Benn uncovered new ways to create beautiful pieces that  felt captured  and conveyed energy, emotion, and love. Although there were times he felt frustrated, or felt like giving up, the energy always drew him back in. So, he pursued it and now creates these beautiful WA landscapes for us all to enjoy.